30 Minute Rock Climbing Workout

This effective and compact 30-minute bouldering workout can be done on any climbing board.

  • Warm Up:

    • 5 minutes cardio (spin bike, rowing, jump rope, etc)

    • 5ish minutes easy traversing on spray wall

  • EMOM: Every minute on the minute

    • This can be done on any board, but we recommend Kilter, Decoy, Grasshopper or Moon. The Decoy and Grasshopper are both mirrored, allowing you to reverse each route to get an even workout, making both these walls ideal choices for this workout.

    • Set your desired training board to a moderately challenging angle (somewhere between 10-30 degrees)

    • In your board app, choose a grade range with routes you feel like you could confidently complete in your first go, so a few grades below your “flash” grade. You’ll be doing 20 of these routes, so choose grades you know you could successfully climb for the entire time.

    • For 20 minutes, you’ll do a route every-minute-on-the-minute. So if you start your workout at 1:30, you’d do a route at 1:30, 1:31, 1:32… etc. When you complete a route, jump or climb down and rest until the next minute begins.


The 90 minute standard


One month training cram