One month training cram

for your upcoming sport climbing trip


Starting 4 weeks before your trip:

Day 1: Strength Training

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio (jogging, jump rope)

  • Core exercises: 60 Second Planks, Suitcase Crunches, leg raises (3-5 sets x 15 reps each)

  • Upper body: Pull-ups (assisted on bar or hangboard, option to add weight), push-ups, dumbbell rows (3-5 sets x 10-12 reps each)

  • Cool down and stretching: Follow this stretching and mobility video

Day 2: Climbing Technique

  • Warm-up: 10 easy Kilter routes (whatever is easy to you), getting progressively harder as you go.

  • Bouldering: Climb 5 routes on each wall (Kilter, Decoy, Grasshopper and optionally Moon). Choose routes that are challenging, but doable in no more than 3 attempts.

    • Focus on technique and footwork. Climb various problems, emphasizing smooth and controlled movements.

    • Try to climb each route in control, moving in slow motion if you can. Use one of the tripods to record yourself so that you can see what you look like when you’re climbing, and identify any areas where you think you could improve your technique or general body control and balance.

  • Cool down: 10 minutes of easy climbing and stretching

Day 3: Cardio and Endurance

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio

  • Cardio exercises: Running, cycling, or rowing (30 minutes). Go outside if yuou can

  • Climbing: ENDURANCE ARCING: It’s fine for now. Continuous climbing on spraywall! Try and climb for a total of 30 minutes. Choose an easy wall angle of between 10 and 20 degrees, that you think would allow you to stay on the wall for at least 5 minutes at a time. Then, stay on the wall and off the wall for equal amounts of time until you have climbed for 30 minutes.

  • Cool down: 10 minutes of easy climbing and stretching

Day 4: Rest or Active Recovery

Day 5: Strength and Power

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio, 10 easy routes on boards, or 5-10 minutes traversing on spray wall.

  • Power! Choose between:

    • EMOM: For 20 minutes, every minute on the minute complete one boulder problem at your flash grade. This can be on any wall, but try and have the wall at least 20 degrees overhung.

    • Project bouldering: After you warm up, set your filter to grades that are “project level”, with each individual move requiring you to try as hard as you can. These routes should be harder than you can complete in a session.

  • Cool down and Stretching and mobility

Day 6: Climbing Endurance

  • Warm-up: 10-15 minutes of easy climbing

  • Endurance climbing: Choose between:

    • Traversing (30 minutes as depicted in day 3) or

    • Mirrored workout: on Decoy or Grasshopper, choose routes in your flash range. Complete the route, and then immediately press the “reverse” symbol on your app and complete the mirrored version of the route. Rest for 1-2 minutes, do this for 20-30 minutes.

    Day 7: Rest or Active Recovery


30 Minute Rock Climbing Workout


Rock Climb, Shower, Sauna, Repeat